Fall is my favorite season (me and every other girl on social media, am I right? ). But seriously, what’s not to love? Crisp air, chunky sweaters, colorful carpets of leaves crunching under your cute new boots—not to mention, pumpkin spice ERR-thang (insert praise hands). Plus, my birthday falls in October (pun intended), so for that reason, the whole autumn season has always sort of felt like home to me.
On a deeper level, I love fall because it’s a reminder that change is both certain and beautiful. No matter how long the summer heat seems to last, we know that the cool breeze will always come around again. Then, as we enter the autumn months and the leaves give us one last brilliant burst of color before they fall to the ground, we never worry whether the bare branches they leave behind will ever be filled again—we know they will. It’s the same with us—seasons of stripping away were never meant to leave us bare, they were meant to prepare us for new life ahead. I love the picture fall paints to remind us of this truth.
This past Saturday I took a fun little trip up north to Apple Hill to help a friend celebrate her birthday. In addition to grabbing lunch at the cutest downtown area, we also did some apple-picking, which made the start of the new season feel all the more official. So, to celebrate kicking off the first weekend of fall, I decided to round up some of my favorite quotes that deal with stepping into new seasons.
Whether you’re in the throws of change and nothing feels familiar, or whether everything feels too familiar and you’re longing for something new, I hope that just as these words have encouraged me, they can encourage you too.
In the moments we can see it and in the moments we can’t, God is always moving in our lives to bring about our good and His glory in our lives. He is always working to make us new.
““Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?” (Isaiah 43:19, ESV)”
Which of these quotes did you like the most? Let me know in the comments!
Hello I’m Kaci!
I love encouraging and discipling others in the Word of God, and I really love the One it all points to: Jesus.
SINGLENESS & DATING: Waiting on God, or Taking Initiative?
Yaaaaassssss!!! All of them are great. Thanks Kaci
Thanks Maris!! Glad you liked ’em.
a Quote by Brittney Moses
Isn’t that a good one?! When I stumbled across it, I was like WHOA!
I love the Bob Goff and Brittney Moses ones. Great reminders to let yourself have hope when things are tough. Thanks Kaci!! XOXO
Those are two of my favorites as well. Thanks for commenting and MISS YOU GIRL!
These are great! My favorite is the "embrace uncertainty" quote. Much needed for today!
Yes, seriously! That’s one of my faves too. Bob Goff is the best!