15 Great Books to Read + GIVEAWAY

pretty words

March 28, 2017

Kaci Nicole

Much love,

  1. Elizabeth Weimer says:

    I’m a restaurant manager who works roughly 65-70 hrs a week. I’m usually using days off to catch up on work or going in for a second time some days to get more things done. I’m extremely type A as well as sometimes a perfectionist so I have lists on lists and two different planners to make sure everything gets done. I just moved to a new city where I knew absolutely no one, so work and a busy life kept me busy from realizing what I was missing. I rarely get a free chance to read, but Present over Perfect sounds like a book I can seriously relate too. Plus it’ll give me a reason to coffee shop explore and take some time to myself!

    • Kaci Piccillo says:

      That is quite the work schedule! I’m with ya on the lists and planners – it’s the only way to keep track of everything sometimes. Praying you get a chance soon to get away to a coffee shop and have some time for you. I know how rare that can be, but how powerful. Thanks for entering!

  2. alexis wynn says:

    alexis.j.wynn@gmail.com I would love to read all of them! but more specifically the inner voice of love, changes that heal! having going through a rather difficult time, as you know, i know that I need to work on the healing process that also comes along with my relationship with Jesus. I want to heal, to love myself, and have Jesus be the focus!

    • Kaci Piccillo says:

      I think Jesus is going to honor that desire to focus on Him and on the healing process. Also, I replied to your email – thanks for being patient

  3. Alyssa says:


    I want to read this book because I tend to get wrapped up in the "always be productive" mindset.

  4. Amy says:

    Present Over Perfect would be a perfect read for me in the midst of my college career coming to an end. I am in a transition of graduating college to moving back to my hometown and potentially moving to the Dominican Republic for a missions trip to help launch an orphanage. So overwhelmed can almost feel like an understatement at this point in my life. I always love a new read and I’m constantly on the lookout for new books and was so excited to see your giveaway!

    • Kaci Piccillo says:

      Those are some big transitions! What an incredible new opportunity though – one I’m sure God will work through in ways beyond what you can even imagine! Thanks for sharing.

  5. Isis Eskander says:

    Hi Kaci, πŸ™‚

    1. I love reading your blog, it is always encouraging and helpful.

    2. isis.e.eskander@biola.edu

    3. I want to read this book because, well that’s me always trying to be perfect and always wanting to please everyone. It’s hard for me to say no and realize it’s ok to not please everyone, and it’s ok to not be perfect.

    • Kaci Piccillo says:

      Aw Isis thank you SO much! As for #3, I am so with you. It’s something I feel I have to relearn every day. I hope you get a chance to check out the book either way – thank you so much for reading!

  6. Maddy carlson says:

    LOVE some of these books!! i’ve been wanting to read uninvited and almost picked it up tje ither day, but chose "You are free" instead!! my email is maddy.carlson@outlook.com

    • Kaci Piccillo says:

      Ah, "You Are Free" looks SO good as well – you’ll have to let me know what you think. Thanks for reading!

  7. Jenny says:

    I’ve been slowly minimizing distractions in my life and would love to read this book. My everyday circumstances tend to steal my focus and my joy. I would like to learn how to be more present and enjoy the blessings while in the waiting. My email address is mjennh@gmail.com. I would LOVE to win this book πŸ™‚

    • Kaci Piccillo says:

      Girl, you and me both! I love that you are wanting to learn that – so beautiful. Thanks for entering.

  8. Charli Black says:

    Absolutely love this list! I’m currently back and forth between Uninvited and Without Rival but Present Over Perfect has been in my Amazon wishlist for months! I’d love to win this!
    My email is charlitblack@gmail.com!

  9. Amber Elam says:

    I love this post, I’m always wishing I had more time to read. I would love to read the book Present over Perfect because since becoming a mom I notice there is a lot of pressure I put on myself to be a good mom. So many people giving you advice that you don’t ask for and constantly questioning if your doing the best you can. Your synopsis of the book reminds me of another I’ve been wanting to read called "the practice of the presence of God" by brother Lawrence. my email is amber.l.wentz@biola.edu

    • Kaci Piccillo says:

      Aw thank you so much for reading, Ambs! I can only imagine – seems like an area people love to offer advice/feedback in. Let me offer some: You are an INCREDIBLE mama and those beautiful babes are blessed to have you. I sure am blessed to know you! Thanks for sharing your heart and entering the giveaway – also I’ll have to check out that book. It sounds so good!

  10. McKenna Ward says:

    I love reading, and hope I’ll be able to do more of it this summer! I’m in the middle of Uninvited and I love it. I would love to have Present over Perfect! This list is awesome!

  11. Jessica says:

    I am currently reading Uninvited and The Magnolia Story. I have heard wonderful things about Present Over Perfect and would love to add this to my reading list as well. Awesome post! #BookwormsUnite My email is jessicanfox92@gmail.com

  12. Hannah says:


    I would love to read this book because people pleasing is something I’ve really been wrestling with and I think it would be beneficial for me to read it and gain some biblical wisdom about what God says on how to go about changing that!

    • Kaci Piccillo says:

      Check your email – I think you’re going like it! (Spoiler alert: You won the giveaway! )

  13. Allison O. says:


    This would be such an encouraging book for me to read. I am currently finishing up my senior year of college. This is a time of uncertainty and it can be easy to feel overwhelmed and fearful. I believe this book will refresh me and give me peace and understanding as I am transitioning from college into independent adulthood <3

    • Kaci Piccillo says:

      Ah, yes – that is such an uncertain and overwhelming time. I remember it so well! Hoping you get to read the book and that God uses the time of uncertainty to draw you even deeper into Him! He’s going to do incredible things.

  14. Brooke Ruter says:


    I am a college student and my boyfriend serves in the army. He just recently returned from Iraq. I have been praying to be able to stay in school, continue working, and be able to be there for him and our relationship as best as I can. Honestly, I would love to read this book because I have been weighed down by the world. It feels as if I am drowning trying to take care of myself, my to do lists and spend time with loved ones. I won’t let the darkness stop me from pursuing God with my whole heart and taking time to worship & dance with the Lord even when I have so much to do & so many places to be. I’m learning that when I trust God in the present, He will bless my mind, my body, my soul & my present and future life.

    • Kaci Piccillo says:

      Brooke – that certainly sounds like a lot on your plate. Thank you for sharing, so I can be praying for you! I love your heart to not let it stop you from pursuing God. I believe He will bless that and meet you in incredible ways! <3

  15. Hannah Bardin says:

    Hi! I would love to win a copt of Present Over Perfect because I am about to graduate college and enter ministry, and I feel like it would be a great resource for me!!

  16. Hannah Bardin says:

    Also my email address is h.bardin6@gmail.com

  17. Kayla says:

    I would love to win a copy because of the beautiful message I’ve heard friends who are currently reading it talk about. It’s been a rough two years since my father passed away and I honestly believe God is the only reason I am getting through any of it. He turns all of my "I still can’t believe this is real life" days into something so much bigger, better, sadder and happier than I could have ever imagined.

    • Kaci Piccillo says:

      I am so sorry to hear about your Father. Your words are inspiring! Thankful God is carrying you through and bringing beauty out of an incredibly difficult situation. Thanks for your comment. <3

  18. Jade says:

    I want to read Present Over Perfect because I struggle with getting caught up in the busyness of life and trying to please others all the time. I think this book will give me a new perspective!

    • Kaci Piccillo says:

      You and me both! I hope you get the chance to read it – this book is so perfect for those struggles. Thank you for entering. πŸ™‚

  19. Lucy says:

    lucyzamecnik@hotmail.com—and I would like to read this book because I am currently searching for the "why" in life of, and have recently picked up reading more to figure out the true reason of why god put me on earth and if I am living up to that!

    • Kaci Piccillo says:

      Lucy, that’s such a good, big question to ask! Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren also comes to mind as one that may be a good read for you. Thanks for sharing. πŸ™‚

  20. Lisa Nunes says:

    I have been "going" my whole life; taking care of my brother and sister; taking care of my Dad after my Mum left; raising an autistic son with learning disabilities; taking care of my daughter who’s had to make sacrifices for her brother and at the end of the day I’m always telling myself that this is my job, this is what God has called me to do and yet I’m left empty and exhausted. So it sounds like this book is exactly what I need.

    • Kaci Piccillo says:

      That is a lot to be carrying – it sounds like you are doing an incredible job. Hoping you get some time for yourself to read and rest. Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful heart!

  21. Josey McDonald says:

    I would love this book because it hits home with my life on the daily. Also, it was just recently my birthday. I’d love this book!!

  22. Monique says:

    Email: moniphicent1@aol.com
    I would love to read this book because as a New wife to a Pastor it can become overwhelming at times trying to meet the expectations of others. I know I’m not perfect and never will be, and I also know no can hold the title of perfect, yet it’s those people who are imperfect like me that expect Perfect from me. I’m hoping this book will shed some light on being Present over Perfect in my life during my journey. Thank you for the opportunity! Love the blog BTW

    • Kaci Piccillo says:

      Our own perceptions of the expectations of others are such a difficult thing to combat/overcome! Thanks for sharing where you’re at – will pray for you! Thanks for entering the giveaway, and thank you for your incredibly kind and encouraging words, Monique! πŸ™‚

  23. Cassie Passmore says:

    Email: cassiepassmore@ymail.com
    I think I would really enjoy this book and it would be encouraging. Sometimes I feel that I always have to please people, and that’s not who we need to be worried of pleasing!

    • Kaci Piccillo says:

      Thanks for the comment, Cassie! Yes, it’s so hard not to people please, I have the same tendency. Hoping you get a chance to give this book a read. πŸ™‚

  24. Anna robbins says:

    Email: robbai11@uwgb.edu
    I would love this book because as I started college I was not surrendering my life to Christ. Now I am actively involved in Cru and I have been on two different cru trips and it has changed my life. I saw this book a few months ago and realized that that’s how I have been feeling for a long time now. As I give up my daily troubles to God I still find it hard sometimes with the stirggle of being in college and dealing with life’s bumps. I think this book will really speak to me on my newfound faith journey!

    • Kaci Piccillo says:

      Sounds like God has you on an incredible journey, Anna! Thanks for sharing πŸ™‚ I’ve heard incredible things about Cru and my prayer is that God would continue to use it in big ways in your walk with Him, even and especially when life feels bumpy. Thanks for entering the giveaway!

  25. Wendy says:

    I love reading because it can take you to another world and written words can explain things better than verbal words can sometimes. And you can reread written words in book, unlike telling someone to repeat themselves over and over.

    • Kaci Piccillo says:

      Girl, YES! I feel the exact same way – happy to have a fellow book lover as a blog reader. πŸ™‚ thanks for entering!

  26. Chandler says:


    I love to read because I love to grow! We are called to grow and I want to better myself everyday to be more like Christ. Reading also calms me and gives me an escape

    • Kaci Piccillo says:

      Amen! Reading is one of my favorite ways to grow, too. Thanks for entering, Chandler! πŸ™‚

  27. Bailey Welshans says:

    I’ve heard about "Present over Perfect" several times before and I have always wanted to read it. Sometimes with the craziness of life, it’s hard to get time alone with God, buts it’s so important. I’ve learned that it’s better to go be in his presence imperfectly, than not going at all. I think that’s the whole reasoning behind this book. Finding a place to forget about our self, to imperfectly pursue a perfect Savior.
    Thank you for this opportunity Kaci!! Love your ministry❀

    • Kaci Piccillo says:

      I love that – finding a way to imperfectly pursue a perfect Savior. YES! Thanks for your comment, Bailey! I hope you get a chance to read the book. Thank you also for your incredibly encouraging words, and for following along πŸ™‚

  28. Julie B says:

    There is nothing like a good book. I love to read and would be thrilled to win the books.

  29. Julie B says:

    I follow you on Twitter

  30. Julie B says:

    I like you on Facebook

  31. Katherine richard says:


    My word for 2017 is present and I feel like this book will be perfect to help πŸ™‚

    • Kaci Piccillo says:

      What a perfect word for the year – also, I love what you did there. πŸ™‚ Thanks for entering!

  32. Liset says:

    Hi Kaci! Thank you for sharing these book ideas. I have always loved to read. Yet, it has only been a year since I began following Christ. Reading has become the biggest way I learn and stay connected. Sadly, I always made myself busy with school,work or family which took time apart from being in His word. When I read through this list I immediately knew that Present over Perfect would be next on my reading list. It would be such a blessing to be able to receive this book.

    • Kaci Piccillo says:

      Hi Liset! Aw, thank you for reading. πŸ™‚ Also, congratulations on a year of walking with Jesus! Reading is one of my favorite ways to learn and grow as well – hoping you get to check out Present Over Perfect and some of these other titles as well. Thanks for entering! <3

  33. Katyana says:

    This is such an awesome giveaway! I would love to have this book, I love to read and it’s always been my way of escaping the world and growing closer to God (depending on what I’m reading of course). This book looks like a super good book! Thank you so much!


    • Kaci Piccillo says:

      Yay, I’m glad you like it! I totally agree – reading is a big way I draw closer to God to. Twins! Thanks for entering, Katyana! πŸ™‚

  34. Erika Drake says:

    I’m interested in the book "The Sacred Search." I have been praying for my husband for a long time and have been careful with my heart and self to be fully giving in marriage. I want to pursue God before I pursue my husband, and I could really use some wisdom. Thanks for this giveaway! πŸ™‚

    • Kaci Piccillo says:

      It’s so good! I love your heart to pursue God first, and I pray He blesses and honors that. Definitely check out Sacred Search if you get a chance, and thanks for entering! πŸ™‚

  35. Ruth says:

    First of all, what a beauuutiful blog! I am an off-and-on blogger but I never did it consistently enough nor did I do it so prettily! (Seriously, what is this font, I LOVE IT.)
    Secondly, I just HAVE to say, I have been on the Tebow train for a couple of years now. I know little about the man other than he does football, LOVES Jesus, and has the one of the most compassionate, sweet, loving characters I’ve ever seen. I follow him on FB as well as his charity page and his posts on him walking disabled people down their own red carpet for the proms he set up and dancing with little orphan children in Africa leave me breathless. #TEBOWMARRYME ALL THE WAY
    Thirdly, what a nice refreshing post! I ADORE books and it’s so nice to be reminded why. Thank you.
    Fourthly (I leave long-winded comments, what can I say) what a gorgeous smile you have!
    Fifth-ly (?) Present Over Perfect: I’ve heard of this book. Never read it but it sounds like it was written for somebody like me: an anxious, people-pleasing-bound perfectionist who is sometimes so crippled by her need for the approval of others… it’s an area God continues to work on in me. The concept of being "present" is also intriguing to me and something I’d like to learn more about.
    All in all, glad we found each other on Instagram (I’m @essentiallyruthie ) and looking forward to reading more on your blog!
    Email: missruthwriter@gmail.com

    • Kaci Piccillo says:

      Ruth, thank you for your beautiful comment – you are so encouraging! πŸ™‚ lol I love that we are both passengers aboard the Tebow Train! He is seriously a dream. His love for Jesus and people – SO incredible inspiring, and a picture of the way we are called to live as Jesus followers. I’m SO happy to have a new reader in someone so wonderful as you – thanks again for the love!

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