If I Was So Sure God Was Telling Me It Was Going to Happen, Why Didn’t It?


September 7, 2017

Kaci Nicole

Much love,

  1. Lauren says:

    This was such a great read! Thanks for putting into words exactly what I’ve been navigating through for the last few years. The key is, and you said it, is the open handedness – that way, we’re courageously taking a leap of faith and simultaneously revering His sovereignty and goodness!

    So GOOD!

    • Kaci Nicole says:

      Thanks so much, Lauren! I’m glad you liked it. and yes, open handedness! Because there totally are times God calls us to have faith in things He’s called us to, even when circumstances may cause us to doubt. The way you put it could not have been said any better!

  2. Justin Yap says:

    This part that you wrote was absolute golden: "But the good news is, even if it wasn’t God speaking to you in that specific situation, He does want to speak to you—always, in every single situation. Don’t stop searching out His voice—you doing so speaks of a heart that is hungry to hear from Him and eager to enter into His presence and commune with Him—and that desire brings Him delight."

    Thank you for that constant reminder. I feel like we get caught up in doing the ‘right’ (or wrong) things sometimes that we forget to search for His voice on "what’s next."

    • Kaci Nicole says:

      Ah, I’m so glad that line spoke to you Justin! It’s so true – it’s so easy to get caught up in that way. Glad He gives us little reminders to search for His voice.

  3. Alpha says:

    Thank you so much!! You’ve succeeded well at describing exactly what a lot of believers have to go through when it comes to God’s plan for our lives. Thank you for the advice on following prophetic voices, it’s the first time I read about this kind of way of hearing God.

  4. I am praying about some opportunities in my life right now, and I really feel like God is speaking to me. But, a little part of me wonders if this is just what I want to hear. This message was perfect for me. Thanks!

  5. Erin says:

    This was eye-opening, hard to hear but yet so beautifully graceful at the same time. Thank you

  6. Justin says:

    But atheists could have these same intuitions, but they would never attribute them to God, so why should we as Christians do it so immediately? Even if their thoughts happen to line up with scripture because they happen to be “good” or “moral” human beings. That doesn’t mean God is speaking to them. I wonder why our lives as Christians look very similar to non-Christians lives. The exact same thing could happen to an atheist as a Christian and the Christian would say it’s from God and praises Him for it, but the atheist wouldn’t. So how are we to know? Does God bless atheists just as much as believers? This has to be the case if we aren’t to claim ignorance as Christians. I am a Christian but this is something I struggle with very much. I really want a straight forward, undeniable answer to this, but I haven’t seen it yet. I was hoping maybe you could provide insight. Thank you!

  7. Beacon says:

    I really enjoyed the read but would add one caveat. If what we think God is telling us is not true to his word, then it isn’t God and is our of own desires. When we believe God is speaking to us, even if we have peace, we should first see if it holds true to His word, and secondly seek godly counsel to help us decipher if it is God or our own intentions.

  8. Marttin says:

    I find it interesting that the author only responded to those who confirmed her beliefs. Those who questioned were ignored. A person who refuses to accept questions is not a person of faith.

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